
SOMEONE STOLE MY CAR STEREO!!!! Theft #3, or is it 4, of stereos from our respective vehicles since moving to this illustrious neighborhood! We're not made of money here you ignoramous! We work hard for the few bennies we have. I am sick of supporting the MV Meth Heads around this town. They have tried to get into our basement before also. Found evidence too! Like a coat hanger stuck between the garage doors. Obviously thought the only thing keeping the door closed was the catch at the bottom. WRONG! Not only did whoever it was take the stereo, he ransacked the car looking for gawd knows what else. I had about $1.50 in quarters in my ashtray. It was dumped out and the coins about desperate. Didn't like my classical CDs though. They were left in the car strewn all over. The console was dumped out, and the hand wipes were dumped out of their box all over. Oh, and THANKS A LOT for RUINING my dashboard. ARGH!!!!!!! It's not just the theft, it's the feeling of violation that results. Of course, because the car is so old we don't have comprehensive, so out of our pocket it goes to fix it. NOT. I'll live with an MP3 player or something.

Gawd I hate this town. It's going to seed in a hurry.


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