Halloween is fast approaching

Just turned in a LOOONNNGG assignment for my class. Thought I could pretty much whiz through the Head and Neck Surgery section. Wrong. Took me most of the day to trudge through the last 10 dictations. I find it is hard for me to sit here typing for a great length of time. I must get up and do something periodically to keep the blood flowing and stop the butt cheeks from falling asleep. Between dictations I cleaned the toilet, then typed. I cleaned the tub, then typed...you get the idea. Got some of the chores accomplished at least.

DH took the motorhome to Concrete yesterday as they had a job to do up there and he figured on spending the night there rather than driving back and forth. Was rather nice having the house to myself last night and all of today. He's thinking of staying one more night because he's exhausted. So I have unwrapped Glengarry Glenross and figure I'll watch it. DH has seen it and recommends it, but I have yet to get around to watching it. Speaking of movies, I watched American History X the other night. Edward Norton was very good. So was that kid who starred in Terminator 2. He was the main character whose eyes the story is told through. Dark though. Quite a statement on race relations. Left me disturbed for a couple days at least. Kept thinking about different scenes and going over it in my head. Not for the faint of heart.

Have begun thinking of Christmas cards. I'm pondering making them again this year. I did it last year and it was quite a production. I didn't send them to lots of people, but there was enough to make it a several-evening process. However, I really liked the end result. It was also rather fun! Perhaps a visit to a rubber stamp store is in order!

I got a small, small start on decorating the house for Halloween tonight. Keep trying to stick some foam core bats to the wall outside, but only one is sticking. The others keep falling off. Darn. I'll try it tomorrow when the siding has warmed up again. Wonder if the glue won't stick because the siding is too cold. Could be. I have spider webs to put up, stuffed birds to install on the porch, and we really need to get pumpkins! Can't believe we haven't got any yet! I have dragged out the foggers and lights. The cauldron is still put away. It also emits a fog. Bwahahaha!! Bubble bubble, toil and trouble!


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