And so it's begun. After procrastinating for several weeks on trim color, I started painting the trim. First coat is on the front of the house and half of the south side. We went with navy blue for the trim. I'll post a picture after the second coat, since the first coat doesn't cover nicely as it is a "saturated" color. Whatever the paint guy means by that! Yah, I know it's dark, but the red we initially chose at first was hideous! Looked more like brick that burgundy. Boring!!!! Of course I waited till the weather is almost too cool....poor planning. Or should I say NO planning?! Just when the mood struck me.

It's DH's birthday this weekend. He didn't want me to do anything special despite it being the big 4-0! So I didn't plan anything. Now he's feeling a bit hurt that I took his word for it and didn't plan anything. Grrr. Can't win for losing. We hope to take the motorhome away camping this weekend. At least that is something. I'll get some chocolate stuff for him to pig out on. He's a chocolate nut. A good steak etc., he should feel okay with that.

DH had a long visit with his folks on the phone the other night. He had a fit of "missing my family." It's been 2 years since we saw them and it looks like the parents won't make it out again this fall so it's put off for another while. I tried talking him into flying out there to visit them for a week. He feels we can't afford it, but we could. He just feels like we are always totally broke. We're not, but I wish he'd see fit to go see them if only for a week. I don't have to go so that would save some, and he'd get to see his kin. Maybe I can get him to change his mind one of these days. I think he needs to. His parents are getting along in years and who knows how much longer they will be around?! Take advantage while you can. Things can change in a minute!


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