
It's colder than a well diggers lunch bucket out there this morning! I drained the motorhome yesterday and put "Dolly Partons" on all the outside faucets, wound up all the hoses, and put the soaker hose in the shed in preparation for the deep freeze last night. Hopefully all made it through okay. I worry about the faucet by the motorhome. I just stuck a rag around it. Didn't get a housing for it like I wanted to yesterday. It's supposed to warm up later in the week and bring rain. Good! Our heater never really quit running last night. Not good for the pocket book when the bill comes!

DH has given me another laundry list of things to do today. Actually it's not bad, just several fairly minor things to do. Poor guy was up in Concrete all day yesterday and didn't get home till 8:00 last night. Too late to do anything but shower and drop from exhaustion. My DH knows concrete since he's been working with it for many years, but his boss seems to think he knows more and won't listen when DH tells him something concerning concrete. He's a former dirt worker. He doesn't know concrete like DH knows concrete. Anyhoo, the result is things go sideways -- really sideways -- like yesterday because he didn't listen when DH tried to tell him. So instead of taking just a few hours to finish, they had to tear out what they did over the weekend and redo it yesterday and evening. All because people didn't know what they were doing and wouldn't listen. What a waste.

I've begun looking for another job for DH. He is starting to get anxiety attacks from this job. The guy is a poor financial manager and is bordering on losing it all, and DH can't handle witnessing the poor mismanagement and working with bonehead coworkers who slack and do shoddy workmanship when they do work. So far these attacks have not been debilitating, but we need to get him somewhere that runs smoother before they do.

Lightly decorated the porch yesterday. Not anywhere near what we do for Halloween usually. Just haven't felt like going through that much effort this year. Went to Target and bought a couple big bags of candy yesterday so I'm ready for the gremlins. Think I may hook up the foggers though later today, at least the cauldron that fogs if not the big one. Bought DH a T-shirt that has a 3D sort of skull on it. Pretty cool. $5.00 at Wally World. May drag my old witch costume outta the closet and wear it to answer the door. We'll see.

Happy Halloween!


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