Labor day

Finally. We got the body of the house painted. We got waylaid when we power washed the siding in preparation to paint. When DH was cleaning the south side of the house with the pressure washer the LP siding blew apart. It is only on the south side of the house from the gutter to the peak, but we had to stop our plans and buy Hardy Plank siding to replace it. While we were at it we installed a window in the attic on that side. Looks good huh?! Of course all the siding and trim is now up and painted. The only thing left is to paint trim, but that can wait. No urgency there.

Oh, the symbol we doodled?... It's the "Flying M West." Covered up by siding now but it's there...along with a small "J heart D" up by the window. Look close and you'll see it. Had the usual squabbles between us while working, but we're both too stupid to quit working together. LOL!

Next, the yard, porch, and kitchen. Hopefully in that order. All after we recover financially from this little project. Ugh. Sure wish dollars grew on trees! I'd be out harvesting right now!!

Must get back to typing this weekend. The last little while has been spent working on the house so it was painted before the notorious northwest rains set in. We're weatherproofed now so back to school work. I gotta get it done. I want outta the clinic. It's getting crazy down there and way too crowded. Not to mention the repetitive stuff is getting harder on my body than it used to. And being on my feet all day is also taking a toll. The joys of getting older.


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