It's gone! Can't believe my eyes!

It's gone! The Datsun is GONE! Now there's a brown patch with tall grass around it I must mow in the parking strip. HUZZAH! Can't tell you how nice it is to see NOTHING there when I look out the kitchen window. I'm sure DH feels some sort of relief too, though he'd never say so. One less major project on his list of "to do's."

I turned in a test a couple days ago. Haven't heard how I did, but I will soon. They always give me the rattly nerves when I hit the send button. Ugh. Test anxiety or something. I need to get done and get out of the medical center. It is getting more and more crazy there. I'm glad I'm only part time as full time would drive me bonkers. They refuse to hire more assistance in any of the departments. They just keep adding doctors and more work but keep the same clinical staff numbers otherwise. HELLO! Burnout anyone? Do they ever wonder about the turnaround of staff? Hmmm.

Got my Subaru fixed the other day. Exhaust was leaking out of a weird hole below the turbo on the exhaust system. It looked like a breather hole or something. Turns out the oxygen sensor that is located higher up on the exhaust system is a retrofit. Someone broke off the porcelain piece in that hole so they drilled a new location and fit one there. When the noise started and exhaust started leaking out it was where the porcelain had finally worked loose and unplugged the hole. The guys at the garage diagnosed and fixed it for $48.60. A bargain as I was expecting big dollars. WHEW! Now it runs great again.

Cooler weather tomorrow. If we don't do anything special perhaps I'll caulk the window trim and maybe paint.... or maybe not. Sewing sounds like fun also. I haven't spent any time sewing in a long time and the urge is upon me. We'll see. I have projects just like the husband. Mine are just smaller and easier on the budget. And they do eventually get done. Okay, not with as much alacrity as I'd like, but they do get done!


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