Grandma's 90!!!

We went to a birthday party Sunday for Grandma. She's 90 today! Wow! Was gonna post a picture of her but can't locate one in DH's pix offhand. She's doing pretty good. There were some relatives from Montana who had come out for this, and Tom came from Idaho. Good to see all of them. Hadn't seen them for years. Didn't get to visit much, but seeing them was nice. Grandma didn't want anything made of her birthday but I think she was secretly pleased about all the people who came just to see her.

Around the house we did very little this weekend. DH replaced/reconfigured the exhaust vent in the bathroom to exit out the roof. It was jerry-rigged by the previous owner to exit out the side vent of the attic and the poor old fan had to work to push air out 20+ feet of tubing. Not efficient. Now it only goes about 4 feet out the roof. Much better! Actually can see steam go up and out the fan instead of lingering at ceiling level for a long time before exiting. One more thing to cross off the home improvement list.

I must get a paint pot sample to try on the trim outside. Been thinking of a deep burgundy for the window trim. Hmmmm. The general concensus when we quiz people with out options is Burgundy! I thought navy would look good too, but against the tan it may look like black instead. Not good. I'll get a sample pot of it too just to try. Must also mow the lawn at some point today, and would be good if I could caulk around the windows where we missed. And type for school. I'm almost done with the gastrointestinal surgery section. Just have 4 more practices to type and then turn it in so I can start the test on that section. Hope to get them done this morning and turned in. Just not enough of me to get everything done that needs doing. I also must go to the high school and tune the pianos in the practice rooms today and tomorrow. Ugh. Better end this now as time's awastin'. More later.


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