The hips don't lie!!

Ah Shakira! I love the "Hips don't lie" song. The groove just makes me want to shake it like Shakira. Shudder....ugly mental picture. Anyway, when no one is home and I have my MP3 player on I shimmy all over the house. I even sing out loud! Poor neighbors when my windows are open!!!

Tackled my bedroom this afternoon. Gawd, this is such a DUSTY house. I vacuum and dust on a regular basis but within a short period of time it looks like an abandoned old house from a scary movie with a thick coating of dust over everything! Got rid of some more clothes; some for Goodwill and some for Mickie. She gets my nicer things that don't fit etc. Found my desk top also. I even sat down and wrote some seasonal "to do" lists for the yard and house AT THE DESK!!!

And rejoice!!!! DH has finally resigned himself to getting rid of the Datsun that hasn't run in years. A "project" truck, but he hasn't made any effort to do any work on it in years. We are donating it and they will pick it up next week! Reason enough to shimmy like Shakira!!!!!! Now if I could just get him to part with the junky Ford Ranger with the crunched front end. We have a "for sale" sign on it but no one has called. Who would want it?! But he thinks it's valuable. Hah. Piece of junk. At least one vehicle down and one more to go. We will probably keep the '74 Ford truck for yard work and dump runs. It comes in handy to have. I took our old dishwasher to the dump last week with it. Our insurance payments will get smaller and smaller the fewer vehicles we need to insure. Hurrah!


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