
Husband does not have celiac disease. Doctor is still puzzled, but mentioned that it just may be a wheat allergy - severe reaction if you ask me! He continues to feel great. Wants to continue being wheat free. So be it. I have invested some money into weird flours etc. so I can keep him supplied in bread-type items.

Regarding school, I could not fail 3 supplements in a row. That's the distinction. Great. I was so stressed out! Thought I was near execution there! I have passed the rest so no more panic, although I cannot get cavalier again. That would be dire!

West side of house trim is scraped and waiting to be primed. The north side is almost done. Getting anxious to have it done! Want to get some paint on the old girl and see her spruced up! She's currently looking all pockmarked and tired. Then we can hopefully focus on a new porch this winter. The joys of home ownership...what a bunch of malarky! Has kept me from snacking from boredom however. Think I've dropped a couple pounds. Been too busy to eat. Wish I could keep THAT up all winter.

Hmmm, visions of a clean, organized basement, rearranged and painted bedroom, painted bathroom....I can see it now. And me 10 pounds thinner. Must keep that vision in mind. It's seductive. Sloth girl rears her ugly head at that however. Work....AUGH!!!!!


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