Long time no talk to!

Okay. It's been a while. Been working diligently on school work. Been scraping like a crazy person on the windows and trim to get ready for painting the shack. Oh, and we took a vacation.

Went to the Darrington Bluegrass Festival. Stayed for a week even though the actual festival didn't start until Friday. There's a lot of talented people who bring their instruments and play together into the evening. Until the camping area got full, it was very peaceful sitting in a lawn chair listening to the sounds of the mandolin, guitar, banjo and standing bass drift through the trees. After it got full, the rudeness of many campers really was terrible. Instead of taking the road around the camping areas to navigate, people would just cut right through our site. And we were THERE!!! Just saunted on through as if we didn't exist, sitting in our lawn chairs watching people walk right in front of us. Some apologized as they went through, others did not. I finally roped it off and draped towels on it as if it were a clothes line. Kept the traffic out anyway.

DH had made a generator. Got the plans off a website. Used a motor his boss gave him from a broken water pump he had. DH cut out a bracket, hung a car alternator on it, put a pulley on the shaft, and TA DA! Generator. Cost us about $60.00. Love that! So we were able to recharge the motorhome batteries since we were camping for a week with no hookups. And it's not even very loud! After he rigs a muffler on it it'll be quieter than ever.

School's okay. I am on probation for going too slowly. I also failed two supplemental exercises. The director emailed me and said I was "on the edge." What the heck does that mean? I got clarification and so I'm in deep kim chee if I don't do better. Frankly I took the supplements to be exercises designed to help me with my trouble spots, not a make-or-break thing. Turns out that may not be correct. Hmmmm. Some clarification would have been nice. Perhaps I would have taken extra time with each one then. Nor did I understand I could question my instructor till I was blue in the face about every niggly thing before turning it in. I took them as sort of quizzes. Not. Oh well. Taking it day by day.

The house scraping is slow. I have had to use a heat gun to get the paint off the window trim on the east side of the house. It was checking and peeling, but wouldn't scrape! So I broke out the heat gun. Slow going. But the finish is much better. I'm ready to move to the north side of the house. That should go quicker as it's not as weather worn as the other 3 sides. Once I get all the trim done and DH does the fascia boards around the roof it's ready to shoot with paint.

DH may have celiac disease. The tests are still out, and he has to see a GI doctor for a consultation, but in the meantime we have cut out wheat or gluten from his diet. His grumpiness and anger problems seem to be abating. Hmmmm. What have you done with my husband? Getting along seems to be slowly improving. He's not pissy every minute like he has been the last few years. I'm finding it easier to talk with him as he doesn't criticize every thought or feeling I voice. He still rants, but is somewhat less. Weird. His body aches he's had for years also seem to be reducing. He always hurt before everywhere: bones, muscles, and joints.

I have had no problems. DH began walking/jogging to the high school, around the track, and home again three weeks ago. I sprained my ankle so I didn't start until last week. I walk not jog. He took a pedometer this morning to see how long it was up to the high school, once around the track and home again. Only 1 mile. I figured as much but he thought it was longer. He's now saying he was in worse shape than he thought. Could have told him that, but I know nothing! I slept in till 6:00 and didn't join him, so I must do it today. Think I may go to the airport and walk. We'll see. He's got me feeling guilty about spending the gas to drive out there to walk as the high school is so close with a nice track.

August 25-27 I have reserved a small group camp site at Rasar State Park for a ladys and kids camping weekend. Hopefully all invited will show!!! I'd hate to think I reserved these sites and paid for them only to have people stand me up! That would suck! DH is going to be handyman and fire maker or whatever. So if any of you girlfriends feel like stopping by, please come. It's a great place for kids as there's a play area for smaller kids, easy trails for biking/walking, and easy access to the river for throwing rocks, fishing, etc. Not to mention nice bathrooms with showers. I know how important that is to us gals.

Not much else going on. Just busy doing the above. For the first time in years I did not go to the Anacortes Arts Festival. That was strange. But I wanted to get some work done in the yard that was overdue and didn't want to deal with the crowds. Just wasn't into it this year. Got the overgrown fern transplanted and thinned out my irises. They like it here and really multiply. I still must move a hosta I have crowded next to a camelia, but that won't take long. The weeding is pretty much finished also. Today I must prime the windows I have scraped. It's supposed to be cool today so nice time to do that. Guess I better get busy.


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