Just call me Josie the plumber

Turned in another supplement assignment this morning. Only 3 errors allowed. Boy, I've gone over it and over it until the words don't make sense any more looking for errors in compound modifiers, punctuation, spelling, et al. Since I could find no more I hit the "send" button. Practically gives me stomach cramps when I commit to that button. Oh well. Let the chips fall where they may.

We bought a new dishwasher this weekend. HUZZAH! We have been dealing with a portable that the previous homeowners "gifted" to us. Actually it didn't work so they left it here. We used it as a counter for a couple years, then DH got a bee in his bonnet about getting it fixed. He took it apart, found out it had a bad solenoid and replaced it. Thing's been working pretty good ever since. Not great mind you, but pretty good. Well, when emptying the dishwasher Saturday DH found 2 glasses with crud still in them and said "that's enough!" He looked online at stock in a local appliance center and then we picked out the model we wanted in our price range. Sunday we drove there intending on buying if it was there. It wasn't, but the next model up from that was on closeout and they had one white one left in stock. We bought it tax and all for what the other one would have been before tax. it was a $550 machine we got for $448 out the door.

This morning I have been cutting copper pipe, soldering, and drilling holes in the floor. We aren't doing a traditional install as our kitchen has 1920's cupboards and won't accommodate a dishwasher. Since we plan on remodeling the kitchen in the next several months we are putting it where the portable used to sit and hooking it up directly to the water and waste water lines instead of attaching it to the disposal and water lines under the sink. McGyvering. That's what we do best I tell ya. Water lines are done. Next is the waste line. It is PVC pipe so no soldering. Too bad. I am getting pretty good at soldering copper pipe and kinda like it.

Guess I'll go tackle that now. I 've taken a break, read a couple blogs I look at often, pee'd, and am ready to begin again.

It's late afternoon and I got the dishwasher installed! I'm so proud of myself I could burst! DH has nothing to do but build a counter top for it! I even figured a way to anchor it to the floor since we don't have a counter for it to screw into to keep it from tipping over. WOO HOOOO!


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