Continual saga of the house prep

Got my exercise back, passed, and I'm officially out of supplement land and can continue with regular studies. Whooppee!

We got the pressure washer out today and hosed down most of the house. It took chunks out of the weird siding we have between the gutter level and the peak on the south side of the house. Looks like painting will be put on hold a couple more weeks while we get Hardy Plank and replace it. The stuff on the north side is fine but the south side is rotted. A friend is going to help who has construction experience. He also volunteered to help us replace our porch eventually; perhaps this winter or late fall. In the meantime I can prime the newly exposed wood and caulk around the windows.

DH is at said friend's house tonight helping him with his computer. I have been typing exercises for the past couple hours and enjoying the quiet. I shampooed the carpet earlier this evening. It was GROSS! Probably could stand to be done again, but I'm out of shampoo. It'll wait. Funny how when he's gone I get the bug to do some deep cleaning. As if it will stay that way!! At least it stays picked up for a few hours.


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