The ongoing process of decluttering my life

Someone is supposedly coming in a few minutes to look at the RV chassis and engine that is currently wallowing in my parking area.  D left it for me to dispose of.  Lovely.  I posted it on Craig's list with a 2 week deadline.  If it isn't gone in 2 weeks I'm having it towed to wrecking yard.  The engine is great, chassis solid, transmission good, just needs a new carb, or at least a carb rebuild.  I sincerely hope the guy shows.  He's the only call I've had on it so far.

In other news I'm continuing to clean things out.  Scrubbed the floor in the room downstairs.  It'll need another go-around before I relocate my sewing stuff down there.  And a paint job.  Couldn't figure out why that room was cool still.  Duh.  He had it exhausting outside instead of the furnace hooked up.  So, another thing on my maintenance to-do list. 

Took a gander upstairs in the attic yesterday.  There's stuff up there but not as much as I feared.  My memory of how much he cleared out was shaky at best I guess.  There's more things to take to goodwill or the dump up there, but it's manageable.  And I plan on moving things downstairs once it's cleaned out so I can access it without potentially falling down the stairs when I try to pull down the attic stairs which come down over the basement stairs.  Scary situation unless I was 6 feet tall.

It's a process.  I want instant results but I can only do so much at a shot.  I'm taking it basically one room at a time.  Except for a rug, wall art and maybe an accent chair the spare bedroom is done.  Once the basement is wrangled into submission and I get things moved onto the storage shelves down there I can tackle the painting upstairs.  First up is the bathroom which I imagine due to its heavy use really shows the need to be repainted.  After that the living room.  Then the kitchen, at least the walls.  The cupboards will have to remain as they are.  Ugly as sin due to my poor painting job years ago but don't want to expend the $$ to repaint them as they'll need stripped first and my kitchen is NOT worth it.  Needs remodeled more than anything.

On an aside, I just wanted to share how peaceful and less stressed I feel despite the long list of things I need to get done.  His presence caused almost constant anxiety.  Never knew what I'd do to set off a verbal tirade or his anger.  Wow.  Feels good.


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