Rumination on my drive home

One of my bffs got married this afternoon. Very very happy for her.  The reception dinner at a local Mexican restaurant was good.  I had a couple margaritas and pleasant conversation over dinner with a few people.  Chatted about many topics over dinner, laughed, and generally had a really good time.  On the drive home I felt happy.  REALLY happy.  I am blessed to have such good friends as my support/family and realized I haven't been this happy in a very long time.  Just, generally happy.  It's a good feeling.  Driving home I pondered this and realized I felt a smidgen more like the old me from back in the day, before my marriage went to crap, before I felt emotionally beaten down, before all of the stuff I went thru with my ex, and compromises of my principles, beliefs, and personality I made to try to make him happy.  I now know nothing I could do would have made him happy.  That was on him.  The relief of having that negative energy gone from my life is making me feel buoyant. 

Just some thoughts I wanted to get down on paper as it were before it left my head.


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