One last go around.

Yes, the ex was back for a week or so to see an ortho specialist and see his L&I attorney for the last time.  He left this morning.  Feels definitely final now.  Once he left I stripped the spare bed, started laundry, vacuumed, then showered and left for a piano tuning.  Afterwards a gf and I went to the 5B's Bakery in Concrete for a celebratory lunch.  Now that I've been back home I wrote out a lengthy to-do list to tackle over the next few months (I'm trying to be organized about this), put the drafting table out on the parking strip with a free sign as well as some truck mirrors.  The drafting table was gone in 45 minutes.  Mirrors are still there....

I also got rid of the table outside that had leftover detritus from the rv deconstruction, threw away the tattered tarp that was underneath, and moved the telephone table out of the spare room into the living room to take the place of the drafting table.  I have the laptop on it and it's much smaller and more manageable.  Whew.  There's still lots to go thru and get rid off or donate but progress is being made.  The biggest is getting rid of the rv chassis and engine.  D didn't get that tackled before he left.  Darn it.

On another note, a good friend of mine from work is getting married tomorrow.  Happy for her.  She's been a widow for 15 years or so and wasn't really looking.  This guy was someone from her church.  So yay on her!!  I'll be attending the small ceremony tomorrow.  Looking forward to seeing her so happy.  She was beaming when she stopped by work.

Sewing, my usual posting here, has been minimal at best with all the hubbub going on here.  Hope to get back to it more as I get things cleaned up/thinned out.  Wish me luck.


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