Really hot, but not my skirt.

Boy, it's 85 and set to get hotter as the week progresses.  NOT looking forward to that.  Just...not.  Although I must say the house is cooler this summer than last thanks to the insulation we blew in last November in the attic.  We need it in the walls but that's not so easy a DIY project.  Would require removing some of the aluminum siding, drilling holes, and then blowing it in.  Nope.  More for a professional.

Here's the knit pencil skirt I made.  First one.  I've since made one more with better fabric and plan to make many more.  It's simple, fits great as long as I measure the elastic waist correctly (yes I said elastic), and the perfect length.  Takes an hour if that start to finish! 

During my last sewing Sunday I traced out a couple more patterns, made a pair of boxers, and planned to embroider but forgot one of the essential tools; the hoops.  I remembered the machine attachment, threads, etc but was dead in the water with no hoops.  Dang it.

The Mayor is sponsoring 31 Minutes of exercise for 31 days of August.  And we got a team together in our department to do it.  The team with the most clocked minutes in the month win some sort of prize.  What's funny is I already planned on doing it before the hospital put forth the contest.  The mayors version is just promoting everyone to exercise.  The hospital made a competition of it for the employees.  Don't know what we'll win, but whatever.  Starts this Saturday.  My personal goal is to hit 31 minutes every day of the month. 


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