Mid-July ramblings

A slight sigh of relief.  My sewing day with Sherry got delayed a week.  Good thing because it kind of crept up on me and I didn't have any projects planned or together to take down there and work on.  So, a reprieve.  I can focus on getting my act together instead of staring at my "possibles" and actually get everything together so I can work on them.  I am going to be in the craft fair again in November.  I need to start focusing more on that too from here on out.  No more last minute powering thru stuff.  (Yes, I said that but will I?  Probably  not.)  I had actually frantically scrambled to the fabric store to stock up on stabilizers and adhesive spray that I had run out of thinking I'd be heading down to her place today and panicking when I realized I still hadn't got them. 

I rushed back to the house to find Mickie waiting for me.  She and I went to a 60th B-day party for a coworker and I was to drive.  I made it with 2 minutes to spare before she left without me.   Gah.  Oh well, the party was fun, KT was surprised and touched, so it all worked out well.

Not much else of interest happening but that's not surprising.  Dealing with a geriatric cat who sleeps really soundly and sometimes when she wakes up and stretches her bladder lets loose.  :(  Washing cat beds more frequently, and am thinking of putting some seat covers over the two desk chairs she sleeps on sometimes because it has happened there and I don't want them ruined.  I caught it right away and cleaned them as best I could but no more!

The cooling weather this weekend has been nice.  Still warm but low 70's is doable.  Actually, I just looked outside and it's showering!  YAY! 


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