back from Idaho and into my life routine

My zombie koi bag held pretty much my weeks worth of summer clothes for my Idaho trip beautifully.  In future perhaps I'll put a zipped closure on it.  One tip-over and everything would be all over! 

Visiting with Tom was good.  I did get bronchitis while there which stemmed from the head cold I got I think.  I've been back a week now and still got said runny nose but the cough is almost gone.  My ears however are still plugged.  Kind of frustrating but that too shall pass.

Idaho was hot and getting hotter during my stay.  Made for some unpleasant sleeping conditions on top of the crud I was getting but I'll take it since I got to hang with the Uncle and visit, relax, and generally just enjoy myself.  Didn't really do a whole lot while there except the MUST SEE of going to Bear Paw Quilting and indulging in fabric lust.  I bought a quilted tote pattern and some laminated fabric to make myself a new lunch sack since my old one finally gave up the ghost.  First time I've seen the laminated fabric.  Have read about it online, but haven't seen it in my travels around here. 

July 4 is now past.  I'm so glad it fell on a weekend actually since it makes for a restless night until the latent fireworks lighters finally go to bed.  The house did not burn down.  Didn't hear any sirens near here so think most people were either not lighting them off or were cautious since it is so dry here.  VERY dry.

Since I am low man on the totem pole at work I drew the short straw to work 12-4 yesterday afternoon.  Not really a big deal since it's only 4 hours and had nothing planned.  Walked home and it was so hot and still.  Not a breath of air movement.  Crazy.

On that note, have a pleasant Sunday.


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