yard work!

Gosh this weekend was lovely!  Now we are back to the expected NW weather - rain.  However, it is a warm rain and not blowing sideways!  Yay!  The flower gardens are weeded and look so much better.  I let it go too long before I weeded.  One day they were little things then BAM I had a weed jungle!  ended up with sore wrists from all the yanking and digging.  Sure looks better now though so it was worth it.

The hub put weed and feed on the yard to keep the dandelions down to a dull roar since the neighbors have a weed farm going on.  The neighbor's maple tree is not looking very well.  I can only hope it finally dies since the leaves fall off into MY yard and we're sick of cleaning up its droppings.  Thing is, it looks like the whomping willow from Harry Potter. Every time I look at it I expect it to start swinging its branches around smacking at the birds and squirrels.  Funny!


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