Friday night in the metropolis ;)

Friday after work I met a girlfriend at the White Horse Saloon in Arlington to catch up.  Been awhile since we've seen each other so it was good!  And the White Horse, while previously having a dubious distinction, has done some remodeling and upgrading and for downtown Arlington it's not a bad place to hang out!  After that I jetted down to Shawn's to check the cabin and spend the night before getting up at O-dark thirty to head back to MV for overtime.  Got there at 7:30 and had a full, productive day.  I told my mgr that I'd come in on Sunday also for 4 hours.  Depending on how I feel I may stay longer.  Lord knows there's lots to do so it wouldn't be a problem.  Probably won't be a noticeable dent in the quantity to do despite my OT.  Sigh.  Still, will help the paycheck!

Not much else going on.  The hub has been doing a bit of yard work here and there, killing dandelions, mowing, whatever he feels up to doing.  Our crusty neighbor bought a motor home, gave notice to his landlord, and hopefully by this time next month he'll be outta there "touring" and living in his motor home with his cat.  Woo Hoo!  The guy's kinda creepy so that'll be nice to have him not lurking around watching us all the time out his window.

My eyes are starting to bleed.  Think I'll end this missive and close 'em for a while.  They are burning and need a break.  The computer can be so darn addictive!


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