Saturday evening brain dribbles

1.  Today I slept in....till 7!!
2.  I prewashed fabric for another blouse
3.  I keep looking at it but haven't worked up the gumption to cut it out
4.  Weather was beautiful and I didn't do anything but look at it.
5.  Sunset was GORGEOUS!
6   Didn't feel like cooking dinner so...I didn't!
7.  Cats are shedding badly so spring must be here
8.  This house is the dustiest place I've ever lived in
9.  Loved meeting my aunt and uncle for a visit last night
10. Blew off overtime under the premise of catching up on chores but didn't.
11. Made a string case for D's guitar strings today.  CUTE!
12. In reference to #8, I need to dust
13. Tomorrow we are to straighten out the shed...ugh
14. After the shed adventure we are supposed to see hunger games.
15. Will that pan out?  It remains to be seen.
16. Watched a youtube Hot Patterns tutorial on their deco skirt...CUTE!  I wanna make one.
17. Will I wear a skirt?  Probably not, but it is adorable.
18. D's back is killing him.  The barometric pressure needs to level out for a while to give him a break.
19. Work clothes are washed and I'm ready for the week...a day early!
20. Outsourced.  A cute movie.  Recommended here at the peanut gallery.


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