$$ worries

Geez.  I slept HARD last night except for the 2 hours I was awake with some anxiety worrying about finances.  I am the owner of a marine construction business that is getting by on the skin of its teeth right now and I have not taken any paychecks while watching what's left of the inheritance I got from Grandma disappear.  I really didn't want to touch what was left of it but it is necessary.  In the meantime my manager is bidding on things left and right, the bonding agent wanted updated personal financial info to requalify us for bonds for this year, and other people are bidding on things with absolutely no profit margins!  Hard to compete.  I'm hoping against hope that when the accountant does our taxes we get some back....

Friday D and I planted cold crops in the new garden space he tilled up a while ago.  I must go out there this morning and get the inoculated peas and beans planted while he's at the shop installing a trailer brake control in a truck.  I am catching up on laundry also.  Real exciting Sunday!


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