muscle lock is setting in

Just spent 4 hours digging up, dividing, and replanting bamboo.  Great googly moogly!  It really didn't look that bad walking by the patch every day.  I've got so much bamboo left over it's crazy!  I planted a patch to provide a screen in the front yard, replanted the screen in the back yard, and piled up the rest waiting to figure out another place and also give some away.  The wind picked up and I buttoned things up thinking it was going to rain as predicted.  NOT!  I could go out there again and dig up the irises that are out of control too.  I should but I feel muscle lock happening.  Hard digging is a far cry from the sedentary office chick I am most days of the week.  Oh, and I hear the siren song of lawn mowers throughout the neighborhood.  Another task I must do soon.  It's getting a bit straggly. 

DH is torqued at the mailman as he cuts through our yard every day to give us the mail and for some reason that really fries his bum.  Personally it did me too at first, now I accept it and am thinking of planning a walkway of gravel for him since I know he won't go around like a good boy.  D however wants to put some of that bamboo there in his way.  Frankly I think he'll just skirt around it to walk across the yard still.  He won't go around via the sidewalk.  Not to mention it would look dorky, but whatever.  That's what he wants, I'll plant bamboo there.  It can be dug up later should he change his mind.

DH spent a few hours working the motor home getting it ready for memorial day weekend.  We need to get propane and I need to wash out cupboards and restock things.  Other than that it's about ready to take out.  Another task done on the to-do list.  WOO HOO!


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