Hot tooth - never heard of it before

I just had the best tuning in a long time.  I tune now and then after work and tonight I went to a gentleman's house to tune a player piano.  New customer so I was unfamiliar with the piano.  It was a restored player piano in desperate need of tuning.  I brought it up to pitch/tune and while I was doing that we began talking about beer etc.  He then brought out some Guinness Foreign Extra for me to try.  OMG!  I don't like Guinness draught but this was SO MUCH BETTER!  And when he found out I work full time and do this in the evenings he brought out lox, crackers, sliced cucumbers and chips with pico de gallo figuring I'd be hungry.  YUMMO!  After I was done tuning I sat to finish the beer and chat while he proceeded to play several player rolls on the piano.  Scott Joplin, the Beatles, amongst others.  It was really nice to hear the results of my tuning by listening to them and visitng.  A most enjoyable evening!!!!

The Snow we had was something else.  We got 18 inches and it was COLD.  Bellingham, who usually gets much more than we do got barely any.  We seemed to be the hardest hit.  I made it to work despite it all.  Love my Subaru!  Wouldn't have made it otherwise.  Why we were open the first day of the snow is beyond me however.  Most people cancelled so the MDs were pretty much bored all day, though some did catch up on their backlog of paperwork so it was productive in that sense. 

DH and I shoveled the walks that night but by morning we wondered what the point was.  Not only did it snow some more but the people kept walking down the street rather than our sidewalk...

I finished a Xmas table topper I started before Xmas but got frustrated with and set aside.  It turned out rather cute!  I did learn some things I'd do differently on the next one to make its assembly much smoother.

I next have a skirt which has also been on the backburner after I made the muslin.  Not much else happening in our lives really.  D has been getting some major dental work done.  Poor guy had a root canal and on the final visit turns out he had a "hot" tooth and after working so much on it looks like he'll need oral surgery to remove it and have a bridge put in.  Boy am I glad I got dental insurance now that we're part of the hospital.  After his is done and paid for I'll be next.  I need a crown.  Ugh.  This would have about broken the bank I'm sure on top of all the other medical expenses we have.

That's it for now I guess.


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