This morning I took my dear hubbie to SeaTac to catch his flight to MI and experienced the worst driving conditions!  We drove down there in severe rain, wind, and lightning.  It lasted from the time we left home to reaching the airport 2 hours later.  What we experienced was referred to as a "bow echo" which I then googled when I got home.  

A bow echo is a term describing the characteristic radar return from a mesoscale convective system that is shaped like an archer’s bow. These systems can produce severe straight-line winds and occasionally tornadoes, causing major damage.

There was so much standing water on the highway!  As there were 2 of us in the car we used the express lane.  It is next to the northbound lane which at times is very close and sometimes slightly higher in elevation.  The cars on that side of the highway were sending occasional sheets, nay, more like walls of water over onto our lane engulfing our car.  As we were going under the convention center area there was a WATERFALL where water was running off the highway above/next to us.

Not a weather system typically experienced here in the great pacific northwest.  And of course the minute I walked back out to the parking garage the system had passed and the sun was out.  Made for a better drive home...when I had no time constraints to stress me out!  Figured.

Now there's a month ahead of me in which I hope to get some things done around the house, like painting, perhaps finishing the back porch weather permitting, maybe refinishing the living room floor (that's a big one so we'll see) and other general maintenance things.

Oh, and look for a new range.  My oven finally died for the LAST TIME on me so I've been using my toaster oven.  Fine and dandy except when I want to bake a cake or something of any size.  I've begun searching the local appliance places around here and the big box stores.  Seen some but gagged at the price.  Am rethinking my wants as opposed to my needs.  Let's face it, I don't cook that much anymore.  No big meals for lots of people, no major baking.  The only thing was I wanted a large burner for my canner.  I do that in season with plans to do even more next year.  Oh, and it must be self-cleaning.  Yes.  Mandatory.


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