new color caused TARDIS effect!

Chai Latte.  A shade of green.  That's the new color of my bedroom.  Wow.  It was long overdue for a paint job.  I knew that.  The room looks so much cleaner, lighter, and bigger.  It boggles my mind how just a simple color change can do that to a room.

The whole process took almost all day by myself.  I moved out a lot of stuff and taped off most of the trim.  I got sick of taping off and so I didn't do the mop boards completely.  I have a good edging brush that I was careful with for cutting in.  I primed it first with stain blocking primer since I was covering up a dark tan color.  Sort of the color of coffee with lots of creamer in it.  I still have a couple items to bring back in here but the big stuff is back.

I ended up sleeping terribly because of all the work.  From working over my head cutting in etc. I got a sore neck and shoulders.  Took most of today to work that stiffness off and I'm better now.  Next up is the living room.  I am pretty sure I know what color to do it in but I'm going to look at paint chips again perhaps this evening to make sure that's what I want.

Been making a few Xmas ornaments with my embroidery machine.  Why?  Just because I can.  It was a free download from my favorite machine embroidery site called Urban Threads.   I'm generally not a cutesy teddy bears etc. type person and this site has some edgy stuff, some beautiful stuff, and yes a bit of cutesy although it is different cutesy.  First time I've made any sort of "lace" type designs with my machine.  Pretty cool.  I gotta say it's quite fun!

Speaking of which, I better get on the stick and get my Xmas cards finished and outta here!  Time's a wastin'!


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