So this is the holiday spirit?

I did it.  Today I bit the bullet (and the discover card) and bought a new range to be delivered Tuesday after work.  It's a frigidaire with an oval burner in the middle of the 4 regular burners to be used for griddles.  Self-cleaning which is MANDATORY!  Anyhoo, I had been looking on Craig's list and the used appliance place on the west side for a while now but nothing I wanted.  Oh, there was a stainless steel one on Craig's list but they had just sold it.  I didn't want stainless anyway as it didn't go with the rest of my appliances and I've heard some stories about discoloration around the burners among other things.  I plan on cashing in 72 hours of vacation time anyway so that should pay for almost all of it. 

Something else exciting happened.  Since DH has been back east visiting relatives I've been parking my car off the street behind his truck.  Well, Thursday when I got home from work I decided to park it in front of the house....bad idea.  Someone sideswiped my car in the middle of the night.  Took out my drivers side mirror and scratched/dented up the whole side of my car.  They left their mirror there on the street though.  Now if I can just see a car missing a drivers side mirror... There are no witnesses so I will have a large deductible to pay.  Ugh.  The officer who took the report was very nice and we ended up talking about our decking.  He liked it and wanted to know what it was.  I told him what it was and where we got it and to swing by there as they have samples out to look at of several different brands and colors.

The job our business just finished is holding our bond for no apparent reason and wanting originals now of lien releases rather than the faxed or emailed copies our suppliers have been sending her.  Those copies were fine before. WTH?  We will go under without her releasing our bond since we can't bid without it.  She's gonna make us get litigious on her I guess.  Sigh.  What a holiday this is turning out to be all of a sudden.  Started out good but things are going sideways a bit.  May she see the light and things get better.

I did go out with some friends for dinner and a cocktail Friday night.  That was really enjoyable!  Good to see them as I don't see them much as they all live around Stanwood/Arlington area. 

Here's hoping the next week gets better.  The insurance adjuster will look at my car Tuesday so we'll see how that goes.  I have Friday off.  I didn't realize I had that whole day off but we do.  How cool is that?!  I need to fix myself something to eat as I haven't eaten since breakfast.  Been busy shopping for ovens :)

Later taters.


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