I'm not to sure of this

Okay it's been a week since taking on this new job. The actual work is okay, but it looks like they won't be sending me back to Stanwood and I'm stuck at a desk wedged between a pillar and the door to the main stairwell where every Tom, Dick, or Mary passes by. The constant chit chat and racket around me is disturbing also. Frankly I miss Stanwood and the crowd down there. I feel here like I'm under surveillance all the time since I have to abide by the rules more here. At Stanwood when and if we took a break it was when the work flow allowed not at a specific time. There's no flexibility here either. We worked time off out amongst ourselves down there. Here I must follow protocol and request time off a month in advance in triplicate with proper blood sacrifices at the altar of authority. No guarantees even when following that. Sigh. The whole chain of command/protocol/procedure thing rubs me the wrong way.

On an up note we are going to Leavenworth this weekend. No, not staying at a hotel. It was a last minute decision to go...during OKTOBERFEST for gawds sake. No room at any inn. So we are taking the motor home and camping in the forest. We will probably tow the little subaru behind since we can't tow the forester. Bummer but oh well. It is pretty there this time of year. The leaves are usually electric yellow and the air is crisp. I'm fighting a cold so hope it will be largely over by the time the weekend rolls around. I took yesterday off because I felt so miserable. Better today but not by much.

Daulton got a work truck finally. It was one his boss had loaned out and he got it back. Of course it is abused. What is with guys?! How can they treat things so badly? He brought it home last night and we took a hose to the floor and I washed the upholstery and side panels as best I could. It really needs a professional upholstery cleaning. Perhaps someday. He was going to remove the seats at work today to get underneath them cleaned. Whoever had it before spilt gawd only knows what manner of latte, mocha, beer, ??? and it still stinks under the seat. Not to mention they had a dog that rode around with them. Dog hair EVERYWHERE. We vacuumed it up as best we could also. Looks considerably better let me tell you. I remember a few years ago when it was new. DH and I used it a few times when he was staying on San Juan Island. That was obviously before this guy got ahold of it as it was nice then.


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