I CAN learn new tricks!

I'm learnin' something new this week. I accepted a full time job at the med center indexing scanned documents into the electronic medical records (EMR) program. I hope to work 6-3 to allow me a couple hours in the evenings to still tune. The full time position supposedly doesn't start until December so I have time to wrap up schools etc before then.

I must say SITTING 8 hours a day is killing me. I'm so not used to it. I stretch often and my back still aches. I walked to work today to alleviate some of it. It helped.

Can't say it is the most stimulating thing to do. I will have to listen to music or talk radio when we get my permanent station set up. Hopefully I'll be able to do that.

Not a whole lot else happening. Finishing a quilted halloween wall hanging last night. Now I can try some machine embroidery since the project is finished and I can change out the machine. Wish me luck. Maybe this weekend....we'll see.


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