Happy Damp Halloween!

It's halloween....a windy, blustery, damp, yet somewhat warm halloween. I see watching a scary movie with a hot toddy and handing out candy to passing goblins on the agenda tonight.

The windstorm we had last night was pretty cool! The old house was creaking and groaning with some of those gusts. Perfect precursor to All Hallows Eve. We didn't decorate this year for the day. Two years in a row, largely because the porch STILL is not finished though we have a hand rail up this year so we'll leave the light on. Speaking of porches, DH did some welding for a carpenter locally and in trade he said he'd finish our porch and rebuild the small back stoop. COOL! Whatever works. Can't wait!

And wouldn't ya know one of the few times I want to add a picture and blogspot won't let me. I'll try later and edit this page with the season-appropriate photos.


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