Just another day in paradise

The hubbie has left the building for 10 days. Whew. He went back east to visit his family while I hold down the fort here. The airline deal was too good to pass up. Grab that low fare and go! I will be catching up on bookkeeping and perhaps sewing. Lord knows I have several projects to get done all while working pretty much full time. Makes me wonder where moms get their energy to get everything done. Doesn't help I've been missing sleep since my husband's new medication he's been taking. It causes insomnia which in turn ends up waking me up though he tries to be quiet. Then I have a dickins of a time getting back to sleep. So I'm running on only 3 cylinders this week. Hoping to catch up on that also while he's gone.

Have had a run-in with the new manager at work this week. I don't want to go into it here but suffice it to say I have a black mark in my personnel file now. I find it kind of funny in a perverse way. It's not as if that job is my career or life's work. It pays the mortgage and I stay there because I like the people. As for my personnel file...pheh. Would enjoy slappin' the living you-know-what outta her sanctimonious self though. The mental image makes me smile:)

Anhoo, I must get busy. I'm outta undies. Laundry calls.


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