another day, another dollar fifty

The big rheumatologist appointment is tomorrow. Good. Perhaps answers. He's feeling better now though of course. My cold is about gone. Still have a tickle in my throat now and then but other than that I'm good.

I played around with the settings on this site. Added a picture I had that we had taken while backpacking years ago. The picture is one I scanned into the computer so that is why it looks a bit gritty. Our scanner is okay but not picture quality. I read other blogs that use the same server and they have done such cool stuff with it that I decided to spend some time playing. Not much time however. I have very little patience to sit at the computer. I last maybe an hour at best. Then I get tired of doing it and staring at the screen. You should see me struggle through taxes once a year. About drives me crazy and takes me a week or more since I don't sit and power through it in a sitting.

There's a new gal at work. She started shortly before the big snows hit. I really like her. She's in her 50s or so. Really nice lady with a great sense of humor. Much needed in the dungeon. I log on to Sirius on the computer when I leave at night so she can listen to tunes while she files. Or talk radio. I guess she's big into that. I told her I don't listen to talk radio because people piss me off and she laughed so hard she snorted. The temporary purge clerk started today. It's the same temp we had while trying to hire the above-mentioned position. She talke so much it drives me crazy and she's only been there 8 hours. It's gonna be a long month or so. Augh.


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