Lead limbs and other things dragging my down

I am so run down today! Actually for the last few days. Wonder if I need to boost my iron or something. It was so difficult getting out of bed this morning. Every time I closed my eyes for a minute I'd fall asleep. Sad. The body was dragging too. Felt like I spent yesterday tossing hay bales or something! Got a lot done despite it all. I tuned 3 pianos, 2 of which had repairs too, got my passport picture taken, picked up DH's prescription, did some laundry, got my tires rotated, picked up the mail at the post office, paid a bill, and dropped off our voters ballots. Not to mention the myriad other small things I accomplished today. It's now dinner time and I think it's clean-out-the-fridge night. There's plenty of leftovers that need eating.

Speaking of which, why do they taste nowhere near as good to me as they did when I made them? DH doesn't seem to mind, but the flavor just isn't there for me. And I have been having a problem figuring out what to fix. That particular problem has been going on for MONTHS! I just can't muster the creative or inspired to make something for dinner. Ah well. Maybe this too shall pass.

You probably noticed above that I got my passport pix taken today. No, I don't have any trips planned, but we both thought we'd better get them if we ever wanted to go to Canada in the future. Or who knows? Maybe we will go somewhere someday that requires a passport to get into. Yah, somewhere warm, relaxing, with no stressors....(sigh)


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