Just an update after being silent a while.

Put in a long day at the gulag staying an extra hour to catch up for the extra flu clinic they tacked on, amongst other things. I pose the question--why is it so hard for people to get along? I know we work in a very tight area, and we all have our little idiosyncrasies, but is it really so unreasonable to let some things go that are minor for the sake of cohesion? The term "bitch slapping" comes to mind today. Not a phrase I use lightly mind you. But there's someone who shall remain nameless that could really have used it today.

DH is over on the islands building smelt-spawning habitat on a private beach of a very wealthy person. It's good to be rich huh?! Drawback to his working over there is the tide table. He can't start work till 11:00 pm or later when the tide is at its lowest. Ugh. Hope he gets a few days off after all that.

The election is coming up. Gawd I've been rather apathetic this year. I know who I will be voting for in the primary (at least at the moment), but the local stuff is Greek to me. I haven't stayed up on local politics this year. Usually I have time to catch up, but not this time. Since the ballot is due Tuesday, I better get my act together and do some research this weekend. Ach! One of my peeves is the person who bitches about a politician but never votes. Talk to the hand I say! If you can't get off your lazy butt to color in a bubble with a #2 pencil on a voters ballot, you haven't earned the right to bitch! So there! Get out there and VOTE!



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