Deploy! Deploy!

Sigh. So much for working on the deck this weekend. It's becoming a months-long project due to weather, some procrastination, and other turns in the wheel. I may check the weather and do it myself this week. Who knows.

DH had to deploy sort of last minute today. He got a call from the boss man that he wanted them to go out tonight (Sunday) rather than wait till Monday. DH had figured on taking the motor home out to the islands since they would be working graveyards this week to take advantage of low tides. The day was supposed to be spent leisurely loading things and getting stuff ready. Instead it was a mad scramble to get things together, washed, packed, menus plotted out and food purchased, brakes bled on the beast, and other assorted odd jobs that needed doing before he could leave. He just pulled out about 30 minutes ago and it's good to have him outta here! He took his frustration with his boss out on me by being short tempered and grouchy the whole time. Felt like slapping him upside the head!!! Anyhoo, I feel better now since I got the rake out after he left and raked the leaves in the yard. I've been wanting to get that done also but weather and darkness prevented it till today. Worked off a little of my own frustration in a productive way. Ha!

Yesterday we went to Bellingham, met a friend and her daughter at Starbucks, then went shopping for ski gear for the little girl. DH plans on taking her up to Mt. Baker to try skiing this year. If she likes it great. If she doesn't then she is well equipped with snow clothes for this winter, compliments of DH. It's something he's wanted to do since she was born almost. I think he'd like a snow buddy. Lord knows I'm not interested in snow boarding or skiing. I like snow shoeing. Just the other never has held an interest for me.


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