
Called in sick Friday and went to Winthrop for the weekend. We towed the Subaru with the canoe strapped to it behind the motor home. It went pretty well, although we could really use a braking system on the Subaru. It puts a strain on the MH brakes while going down those long, long passes on Hwy 20. It towed great otherwise. The canoe overhangs the Subaru by about 2 feet on either end, but surprisingly we can still sit in the car and see out beneath the canoe while driving! Looks kind of funny though!

Went all that way to canoe and we didn't get the thing WET! 'Skeeters were too bad! Ate us alive whenever we stepped outside. There were hoards of them on the window screens most of the time also. Ugh. Okay, slight exaggeration. We could have gone on the river, but we are unfamiliar with the Methow so figured we'd stick to lakes. Bad idea. Standing water and mosquitoes. Oh well. It was just nice to get away.

DH worked all last weekend and refused to work Friday so I called in sick too. Felt good to get away from the personality issues going on at work. There was a Blues festival going on at Winthrop. We didn't go although we talked about it. Figured as we drove through that if we couldn't find anywhere to stay at a free campground we found a couple years ago, we'd go there to camp. It would have been hotter than blazes as it was all open fields at the festival, but we lucked out. There was NO ONE at the Fish & Wildlife campground. One campsite got filled Saturday, but we were alone otherwise.

Saw deer, gophers, magpies, rabbits, and mice. We got a mouse in our MH that began building a nest in my clothes drawer. ACK! It ate holes in two of my tank tops and began filling the drawer with shredded toilet paper. Note to self - fill all available holes in MH that a mouse could get into. We went to town and bought mouse traps and baited them with peanut butter. Left one outside on the bumper. Wouldn't you know that is the one that snagged a mouse.

We also got a mouse in the Subaru. Brought it home from Winthrop and didn't know it until we were unloading the canoe gear from the inside of the car. It began building a nest under the seat. We couldn't get it and wouldn't you know the cats brought it in last night. I figure they got it when it came out of the car to search for food. It is now somewhere behind this computer stand. We tried to get it this morning to no avail. I've baited a couple traps and set around it so when it comes out again...WHAMMO! Slick little devil. Fast moving. No wonder the cats like to play with it. Ewww.


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