Finally! Camping!

I turned in a test this morning. Keep your fingers crossed.

DH is supposed to go to the dentist today and get a tooth fixed and be fitted for one of those dental appliances that is supposed to keep him from snoring at night. He's having buyer's remorse I think before it happens. He called me to find out the $$ of it all a few minutes ago. I'm waiting for the callback from the dentist. It needs to be done, so what's the beef? The boy needs his sleep. Lord knows he's not had much in YEARS! So what's the worry? We'll make it work!

Went camping this weekend outside Darrington. The first site we went to was a freebie of the BLM that we had been to 2 years ago. There we were, towing our Subaru behind our decrepit motor home down a long forest service road to get there when a berm appeared. It had been driven around by many people so we followed. It was a tight fit, but we made it only to see the road washed out less than 100 yards further along. By washed out, I mean GONE! Except where 4-wheel drive vehicles went crashing through the brush to make it through. There we were in our motor home with no turn-around in sight. We unhooked the Subaru and got it turned around and drove it back over the berm. Then the motor home....DH backed it out, over/around the berm to a wide spot in the road and then got it turned around. The only damage was a bent step which was easily corrected. We went to Squire Creek eventually. That was a nice campground. Not much to do but sure was quiet!

Sunday we took the Subaru on a reconn mission down a few forest roads. Found a couple trail heads we didn't know about and generally just enjoyed the scenery. Then the drive back to reality and the drudgery of daily life.

Speaking of which, I better get busy. Time's wasting!


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