Dog days of summer

The trim is pretty much painted now! Wooo Hooo! I just gotta paint the kitchen windows around the glass. All the rest of the house trim is now navy blue! What a relief. We did it last Sunday. Good thing too. Looks beautiful! That's one more thing off the "to do" list.

I must confess...a couple weeks ago I watched "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" on A&E. I got hooked. You'd think it would be another Ozzy Osbourne-type debacle. He is the cofounder of KISS after all. But his family is surprisingly normal, intelligent, and his children are charming. His son makes me laugh. I so get his humor! Both children are articulate, Mom is approachable and loving, and Gene is funny, stern when needed, and generally a normal guy. It gave me the warm fuzzies to watch this family interact.

It's getting hot in here. The thermometer is supposed to hit the mid 80's today, and this house is a hotbox. I washed the Subaru's this morning early. The black one was covered in mud from our camping trip a week ago. My car was covered with what looked like tree sap or something. They look better now. I have work to do outside too. Should have done it also this morning while it was cooler, but I was in the mood to type so did some of that instead. Good day to sip lemonade under a tree and read a book. If I were to do that I'd be sitting in dirt. I only got half the pile spread out the other morning. DH must help me move the canoe and canopy so I can spread the rest. Then grass seed and we'll have a back yard again! Not in time to sit in the grass this summer, but by next year it will be great.


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