A work complaint

Okay. I'm the resident bitch, according to the younger set , at work. We have this new (to us) gal at work who's a wopping 20 years old. She has worked for the company for over a year, maybe two, but not for us in our location much. Anyway, she worked with us for 1 week as we're short-handed then went back to her previous location to work for the next week as they were short-handed.

After she left I told the manager I did not want her back unless she learned how to work. Her previous location said pretty much the same thing. So this week I get to work and see she has taken most of the week to do one strap. By Friday at lunch she still had not filed all the paperwork in that strap. There were two other straps happening now because she is so slow. Lollygagging doesn't describe it! I basically kicked her out of the aisle and took over filing paperwork, and Char did the same to try to get the straps under control. Between the two of us we got 2/3 of a strap filed in 2 hours. I put this 20-year-old onto cutting up dictation for strapping. Told her it should take her 30-40 minutes at the longest. She took 40 minutes. I'd have got it done in 20. I also pointed out several things that needed doing so she couldn't use the excuse she gave our manager that we didn't tell her what to do and that was why she was not getting things done. Bull***t! She has been there several times in the past, she has worked the job for the company in other locations. She knows what she needs to do.

At the end of her shift there was 15 minutes left. I asked her nicely to help me with filing back a bin full of charts. She was spit shining the copier, getting into every crevice and generally just poking along with cleaning it. I said "Now would be preferable to later," as I'm lugging charts into the aisle to put away. She reluctantly does and said "I was doing something." I then informed her that what she was doing was piddly and could wait. She blessed me with the silent treatment for the last few minutes of her shift but did help me with filing.

Earlier in the week Char had pulled her aside to let her know I was watching her closely. Thanks a lot. I'm not the manager there but I certainly will speak up when someone is slacking. I work hard and get sick of cleaning up after people not doing their jobs. In my opinion it is the same as stealing from the company. They don't get paid to hold up the counter, talking. This girl has been grumbling that I'm a bitch. I'm not paid to be her friend. If she's gonna be that way I don't want her there. Plain and simple. I get more done in a day there than she does in 3 days. Sad. Hopefully that's not representative of the 20-somethings nowadays.


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