A quarter ton lighter, or so it seems!

Woooo Hoooo! Just got back from taking 6 big boxes and bags to Goodwill. They have been sitting in the basement for a couple weeks now waiting for me to do that. DH and I have been slowly cleaning out stuff. He is actually letting go of things, unfinished projects, etc. I have been working on that with him for a long time. Finally the idea of looking at all those unfinished projects every time he went to the basement got too much for him. He is beginning to face the fact that if he hasn't got to them in years, he probably never will. I have also been doing that. Got rid of several things and projects, and I have another garbage bag in my sewing room with the start of a purge in it. The house is getting better and lighter! I put the house on a diet I guess. I need to do that myself! Ha! Now if I could just get him to let go of the blue Ranger we'd be in hog heaven.

I have been thinking of cashing in some of my vacation and getting the transmission fixed on the big truck. It has been leaking for years and I'd like it fixed one of these days. We just keep an eye on the fluid level and add more as needed. Drawback is the biohazard it leaves wherever we park for any length of time. Another idea is applying it towards building supplies for our porch. We need to do that this summer. It's rotten. Perhaps that's a better idea. The fluid level we can manage and just keep adding more.


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