A most productive day

Yes, it was a highly productive day at least for me. The DH had to drive a mixer truck his boss sold to Boise so he left at o'dark thirty this morning. A tire blew and tore off his fender in Yakima so that delayed him for a few hours. He won't get back till the witching hour I expect. As for me, I tuned a piano in Anacortes then went to have lunch with Grandma. Then went to 3 elementary schools and tuned 3 more pianos. So that was 4 total, all by 3:30 in the afternoon. The sun came out some time while I was in a multipurpose room banging away on the ivories, so I made a trip to Wally World and picked up some Weed-n-Feed and Moss killer, bee lined home, mowed the lawn, and trimmed it. All by 6:00. Boy I was smokin' today! I even got some yoga in this morning early. I must be feverish!! :)

Tomorrow will prove equally busy. What with the elementary schools on early release this week I can finish up some strays that I've had on my list to do after I work at the clinic in the morning. Then perhaps I can put the weed-n-feed on the lawn if it doesn't look like rain later in the day.

Cripes sakes. Most productive tuning week I've had in quite a while! Huzzah!!! Oh, and the truck in our yard above? It has had a flat tire for quite a while and I haven't been able to muster the husband to change the tire. It's the truck I hope to get rid of soon. Well, I mustered the gumption myself to get the jack and wrench out myself today before I mowed and changed it myself so I could moved it to mow. So there!


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