Demise of my Saturdays

Today is the last Saturday DH will be chaperoning the ski bus. I have mixed feelings about that. I have enjoyed having most Saturdays to myself to do school work, clean the house, and read a few chapters uninterrupted. We already have a couple of Saturdays planned out now though. Our home electrical inspection is coming up, and we need to correct some errors from the last one. We will be hitting that task hard in the next couple weekends so we can get it done and pass the inspection. Then we can call the power company to hook up a new power line to our new meter box. Me thinks they will have to put a new wire from the pole also. It's only a 10-wire. No wonder the power blows if we have too many appliances running at the same time. Brown-out. NICE! We get that all done it will be a major to-do off the list. Then we can start planning a new porch and a possible kitchen update/remodel. Hmmmm.

The D-man has had a sinus infection the last several days. What a baby. You'd think he was suffering the bubonic plague or something; he moans, whines, and generally pouts about how his head hurts and he can't breathe out his nose. The last 12 months have been his time to catch everything around the block. He's usually not sick but this year has been bad. The only thing he didn't seem to get was the Noro Virus. I was the lucky one to get that last month. Awful.

Time to start planning for a summer/fall vacation. The last year or so we didn't have planning started till almost too late. This year we need to think about it now. Anyone with any ideas? We thought about going to Idaho and exploring and we'd stop and see Tom while we were there. Just an idea. We tend to procrastinate and then summer is over before we know it. That sucks.

Speaking of being over before ya know it, I have been thinking about how quickly time goes by now. The older I'm getting the faster the time disappears. I recall as a youngster how summers were long and luxurious. Seeing the fellow classmates and how they changed after that long summer break was always a weird but exciting experience. Now one day rolls into another separated by brief moments of sometimes fitful sleep and the constant quest to figure out something to fix for dinner. I DO need a vacation, huh?!

Don't know where this is, but I wanna be there right about now watching the ocean and drinking a warm beverage. Ahhh. Sounds grand. Keep dreaming kiddo.


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