My lawn crunches!

 Due to the current drought and heat wave my green lawn is postponed till....September.  Sigh. At least I got the new grass well established before everything turned crisp, so it should all come back once it begins to rain.  Climate change is alive and well.  Oi vey.

I FINALLY got a riser for my bicycle stem.  Drawback is I didn't get it installed correctly, so there's some slop.  Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow. Yep.  

I checked the fruit stand tonight on my errand running and freestone peaches won't be in till a week or so.  My plans to spend the weekend canning are postponed.  Kinda glad.  I hope to do something FUN after grocery shopping.  Maybe a bike ride.  We'll see how ambitious I get.  Oh, I do want to hit the farmers market downtown and get some fresh stuff for the week so there's that.




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