Just a mid-April update.

 The weather is stellar today, especially for April.  I took advantage this morning and got the gardens weeded. Only spent a hot minute shoveling dirt.  Too warm and too tired. Ran a couple errands afterwards and treated myself to a burger at Gentleman Gene's.  All very satisfying.  For some reason I'm feeling exceptionally drained and tired now.  Almost like I could easily nap.  I did doze for a few but was awakened by a phone call from a friend who asked if I'd heard anything about Connie's youngest.  She got a text from another mutual friend who told her he passed away last night. What?!?  I hadn't heard, but if it just happened last night then I wouldn't have.  I'll keep my ear to the ground, put feelers out, hoping to hear something.

Last weekend I met up with my old love from my 20s for dinner.  It was nice to see him.   A little mad at myself afterwards for building it up in my head more than it was.  Typical.  I'm outwardly quite a pragmatist but have an inner romantic who struggles to get out sometimes.  We did have a good visit.  On an upside, I absolutely love a new place downtown who serves retro cocktails.  Intimate vibe and my favorite old jazz on the sound system.  LOVE IT.

This coming weekend I'll be travelling with my Bestie to Cheney to see her daughter.  Like, WHAT?  She's about to graduate from dental hygienist school.  Holy cow time flies.  Upside is it's right after payday, so I won't have to use any savings.  Huzzah!  Really looking forward to doing something different for a few days and not answering any phones or doing customer service.  Super stoked about that.


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