April and the tourists are massing.

 April.  The month of tulip tourists.  I underestimated the volume of peeps that still venture out regardless of the pandemic.  Mark was in the region for a meeting and met me last night for dinner.  It was good to see him.  A couple of old friends chatting over dinner.  I felt mildly disappointed he couldn't stay longer than a couple of hours, but who knows what was going thru his head or his reasoning.  And why I built that meeting up in my head setting myself up for the disappointment.  On a happier note my cousin and I discovered a new cocktail lounge in town.  OMG they have the coolest retro drinks and good food.  Also my favorite type of music playing overhead.  

Continuing with the yard work theme from last month I spent a chunk of today crowbar in hand, tearing apart one of the raised beds.  I got the framework taken apart and some of the dirt spread out.  My back let me know it was time to quit, so I'll be finishing it up over the next few evenings.  Before all that destruction I planted both the climbing roses I had ordered.  I even got fish fertilizer and bone meal, following Heirloom Roses directions for soil prep to plant them in.  Here's hoping they do well, and I remember to feed them etc throughout the growing season, so they get well established.

On that note, I also must get the watering system fixed/updated with the new planting areas.  I just remembered that!! Gah!  One more thing to add to my to-do list.

On the sewing front I made a t-shirt from a TNT pattern but didn't factor in the volume of stretch.  The neckline is crazy loose.  I think I'll order more of the same fabric and make another keeping in mind the previous issue.  I am also making muslins of the elodie pattern.  A wrap dress for wovens.  I did an FBA on the first.  Still seems too small.  I'll do another.  I also did a mock wrap vintage dress and the fit sucks.  I am such a novice with fitting.  I also get discouraged when things don't fit right even though I measured, made adjustments, etc.  Sigh.  I just keep plugging away hoping for a win. 


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