a post with a picture!

All righty.  First post in a while.  I had picked up this fabric from the bargain rack at Joann's.  It is a rather thin ITY knit and seeing it on me....not so flattering.  My menopausal fluff is pretty apparent, but gotta say the sleeveless treatment (a pattern hack) went much better than expected thanks to the suggestions given me on the Curvy Sewing community FB page.  Of note is the fact that I have my capris on under this as I wanted to snap a shot but not take everything off.  So, I'd be slightly less bulky around the middle, but not much.

We FINALLY made some inroads on shoring up the porch overhang.  It was out of level and during the reroofing in December D propped it up temporarily to level it while they worked on it.  The temporary lasted 6.5 months.  Still a fair amount of work left on it to do, but it's started.

I also got a summer dress made for work, but no pix as of right now.  Again out of some cheap woven from Joann's as it was the first attempt at a new pattern.  Turned out okay tho.  I think a different fabric choice may be the key next time to liking it. 

Just got the windows tinted in my Subaru last week.  Should help with the cooling during the summer.  All those windows made the air conditioner work extra hard when in use.  Sure changes the appearance of the car!  Oddly enough.

Despite the bumper crop of berries out on the street corners I haven't done any canning.  Still quite a bit left over from last summer.  Jam that is.  Do need to can more green beans.  I absolutely love the taste of home canned vs store bought in the winter time.Guess I better make sure I get some beans soon.


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