Saturday...and sunny

Came to a wifi hot spot with plans on filing my tax return electronically.  I need routing numbers and other stuff I don't have on me.  Dang it.  Oh well.  Still got till Tuesday to do that.  Looks like it'll be by mail as I don't have paper checks with routing #s, ACH or some such number, etc.  So, I'll go to the bank Monday after work and get a cashiers check then mail it.  Sigh. Also had some things in the back of my mind I wanted to look up.  As is typical with me if I don't write it down I forget once I get online.  I can't recall what I was gonna look up so I'm blogging.

No sewing done since last post.  Grand plans but have been quite tired so haven't worked on it.  I've been lurking on The Curvy Sewing Collective and gathering motivation again.  Also been tackling some cleanout of more crap around the house.  A little here and a little there starts to add up.  We almost got the electrical stuff done today.  Probably a little over an hours worth of work left tomorrow.  Lawn has been mowed tho I couldn't get the weed eater started again, the house picked up and floors mopped, laundry folded and put away, dishes done....been a productive day.

Tomorrow the electrical will be done and off our plates, I'll get some weeding done, then hope to do something enjoyable...tune in for more later.


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