Waning days of Summer

You remember that shirtdress?  Yeah.  Well, slow and steady wins the race right?!  It's cut out and have begun sewing it together.  Having to finish the seams as the fabric tends to shred.  Adds extra steps but hopefully will weather nicely that way.  Speaking of, I may actually get to wear it once before snow flies! :)

It's sort of a madras checkered fabric so no promises on how well I got them matched up.  Kicker is it was free fabric so no harm no foul if it's a wadder in the end because of fit or something other.

Still waiting for the loan approval to get thru.  Did get the the house appraisal over the weekend.  A bit higher than I thought.  So there should be no problem with them giving the pittance (relatively speaking) I asked for to get the roof done.  You'd think anyway.

A coworker is leaving to move to Utah and her going away party is tonight.  I'll pop in there for a bit.  I will miss her.  Thank goodness for facebook so we can remain in touch easier.  May need to road trip to Utah one day after they find a place, she's settled, and I can afford it.


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