A date with International Space Station

So I'm sitting here feeling the cool evening air seeping in the living room window and thinking that summer is more than half over and I've done very little.  Well, getting a roof appraisal, cleaning the basement, clearing out the attic would all count but otherwise I haven't gone anywhere or done anything.  Cashing in a couple weeks vacation to pay back the IRS for underpayment of Obamacare was about it for me.  Sad. 

On an up note; this morning I was at Wally World on my way out (mornings are best for getting in/out in a timely manner) I saw my Aunt and cousin coming in.  We stopped to chat for a few and we'll meet for breakfast in September to really get caught up.  Well, more so than the produce aisle at Wally World can contribute.  Nice!

I have done an FBA on the bodice of a shirtdress I hope to make.  Maybe get it done before summer is over???  Ha.  That's the idea anyway.  It's just been sitting on my sewing table waiting to be tackled.  That sort of thing is on my major to-do list.  The attic cleanout was one, finishing up sewing projects is another.  I have a winter coat of navy wool blend to tackle next.  Think I'll get it done before winter is over?? Therein lies the question.  If my shirtdress is any indication, maybe not. 

On another note I checked around to find out what to do with Mom's china.  It's been sitting in my attic for 20 years and have only used it once.  Turns out it's not worth that much so as of last week we're now using it for daily use.  Fancy.  People just don't entertain that way anymore.  Fine china for the most part has fallen out of favor.

Canning season is upon me and I've purchased marionberries (which I froze as it was too hot to can) and this morning I canned 4 pints of green beans.  At the time I tossed them in the plastic bag it felt like far more beans than 4 pints!  I'll be doing more as we eat a lot of them throughout the seasons.  I was under the impression we'd used up all the canned jalapenos but when getting out boxes of pint jars this morning what did I find but several pints of the darn things in said boxes so I don't have to do them this season.  Here I was thinking I was out and I'm well stocked!  Dang!  I'd like to can some peaches too, but I don't think I will as I'm pretty much the only one to eat them.  :(

15 more minutes and I should be able to step outside and see the international space station whiz by.  I'll have to wake up the DH as he's the one who really wanted to see it but he's been asleep for about an hour just snoring away while I watched Jason Statham whip the snot out of the bad guys in some movie.


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