The roof swings wildly

Roofing quotes vary widely!  Geez.  Still got a couple more scheduled for the coming week.  After that it's financing.  Sigh.  Seems just when I get medical bills etc caught up something else comes up to sap any extra resources.  Such is life I guess.

Getting my hair cut this afternoon.  Really looking forward to that as it's gotten way past controllable.  My friend is going with me to get hers cut as well, then we'll make an afternoon of it.  Be nice to spend some time with her outside work.

I'm making a light denim version of that white blouse I made and spotlighted on this blog with the sleeve adjustment I mentioned.  I'm also eliminating the cuffs for this one.  I think it's going to be cute.  Haven't started that wrap dress yet. It's not even cut out!  Have been procrastinating setting up the kitchen table for that.  Maybe tomorrow.  We'll see.

Work has been crazy as my time off put me behind and the phones have been busy.  I just got caught up by the end of yesterday.  Augh!  I've come home just wore out each day so perhaps that's a big reason I haven't got the dress cut out.  Hmmm.


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